
Welcome to ColdBlood’s Blog

Posted in Uncategorized by shotforce on June 30, 2009


On this Blog we will keep all the news about ColdBlood a game being made on Blender Gmae Engine.

To follow the Daily progress of Coldblood you can visit

ColdBlood FPS Project


shotforce (Python,modeler,Animator (5/10) )
Robo3Dguy (Modeler)
kinghybodo (Modeler)
elnanni ( Networker )
ALLEYCAT (Animator)
Noobhaxor (Animator)

*Texture Artist (mostly for weapon Textures)
*More Modelers (for all kind of models, objects,building,weapons, etc)
*Animator (for character movement)
* Someone experienced with network (to make the game online)



This will be a CloseCombat FPS

there will be 3 classes to chose on :

*Sniper (uses all kind of sniper rifles)

*Assault uses all kind of assault weapons)

*Spec Ops (usese all kind of submachine guns)

EveryTime u die u will have the chance to switch to sniper, Assault or Spec ops


The maps will be something like Not huge, midium field with small buildings,ruins, etc on this game we probably wont make wood fields.

Play Modes

CTF = Capture the flag

DM = DeathMatch

= Bomb

Done done with:

*Main Menu(choose , play,exit,shop,options)
*Shop menu(Buy weapons with Honor earned on battle)
*Create room menu( create your own room for players to Join ,this is done But the networking its not working yet )
*Choose Class Menu (in this menu u chose ur class and weapons u will enter combat with)
*Join Room (join w/e online room u want to play on ,its done, but networking not working yet)
*Walking,shooting,and aiming system

Need to get done with :

*Weapon models
*character models(spec ops,assault,sniper)
*character animations
*maps ( map ZIANT is currently being worked on)
*Switch weapon system

here are some screens 😉 :



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  1. hr wolf said,


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